Fireplace ñlock "Synagogue 3", 2012
27,0 õ 23,0 õ 13,5 cm Silver, granite, turquoise, glass, gilding, engraving, enamel
A dome with two minarets is one of the dominating parts of this clock. The Star of David crowns this dome. The dome drum is decorated with symbolic windows in a shape of vines as well as with engraved inscription in Hebrew: «Good Lord, do not forget about me».
The front of the synagogue roof is decorated with a silver Torah in an original ark. The inscription «God is Love» is engraved on unfolded pages of the Torah.
The clock itself is placed in the centre of the synagogue body. The clock dial is decorated with peaces of turquoise. A little fence with a gate shaped as a menorah is assembled under the clock dial. When this gate is opened the inscription «Time is Money» (engraved in Hebrew on the little plate) can be seen.
Four windows are placed on three walls of the synagogue body. The windows on the side walls are decorated with enamels of Star of David.
A plate of polished black granite serves as a base for the whole clock structure.
Fireplace ñlock Synagogue 3